> I am on a project and the issue that struck me is how to protect my source
> codes which is in human readable form. There isn't any way for me to
> protect my database and the only way that I had found out is to use the PHP
> encoder provided by Zend.com to encode the source code.     However, the
> price of a commercial license for each machine (since it use host ID or
> hostname as the key) is too costy and I am trying to find an alternative or
> a cheaper packages available. Please help.

Generally the best way to protect your source code is through an
approproiate license.  If you really can't trust your customers to abide
by such a license, perhaps you shouldn't be doing business with them.

An alternative is to put some of your critical code into a PHP extension
that you distribute as a shared library with your application.  Compiled C
code in the form of a .so is rather difficult to reverse engineer.


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