On 7/6/08, Ron Piggott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am trying to scramble individual words and/or phrases.
> When it is a phrase I would like to keep the letters of each word
> together, with a space between each one.  The code I have so far is
> below.  I use PHP 4.4.7.  The code below is fine for a single word; it
> is phrases that I am now trying to accommodate.
> An example:
> rise and shine
> Desired output:
> I S R E  N A D   E H I S N
> Thanks for your help,
> Ron
> $keyword might be
> $keyword = str_shuffle(strtoupper($keyword));
> $buffer = "";
> for ($count = 0; ($count < strlen($keyword)); $count++) $buffer .=
> $keyword{$count}." ";
> $keyword = trim($buffer);
> unset($buffer);

Once the individual words have had their letters shuffled, explode the
sentence on a space, then use the shuffle function (
http://us3.php.net/manual/en/function.shuffle.php) to, um, shuffle the


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