---- "Mayer wrote: 
> Hiya all,
> I have coded a PHP site on an intranet which forms a MySQL query based on
> multiple inputs on a large form. The form results are POSTed back to itself,
> and query is formed, and the results are returned from the database and
> echoed.
> I am looking to set up a basic paging system (back/next, jump to page 3,
> etc) in order to limit results for efficiency.
> The problem I get is that my "next" link - something like
> href='resultspage.php?page=2' - naturally reloads the page without all the
> POST variables it needs to recreate the query.
> Is there some way of forcing the page to remember and reload the POST
> variables when clicking "next"? Or, if that's difficult, can anyone suggest
> a good way of addressing this problem without too much recoding? I'm sure
> there must be a neater way of doing it then simply passing 30 or so
> variables using GET.
> Many thanks in advance.
> Jon.

Set session variables, have the script check the session variables.

That'll keep the pages rolling, shouldn't take much coding, and you can change 
some things on-the-fly.


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