On Jul 13, 2008, at 9:17 AM, Sudhakar wrote:


i am writing a small application where a user enters a phrase in the
textfield and i would like to display all the files present in the root directory which consists of the keyword or keywords entered by the user.

i have used a few comparison functions but i am not getting the expected

I use this script to list archive files from a directory based on keyword. I'd guess a modified version using the keywords from users might work:

// create archives box
                                if ($handle = opendir('../diaryarchives/')) {
                                        while (false !== ($file = 
readdir($handle))) {
                                                $pos = strpos($file, diary_);
                                                $pagemarked = "diary"."_";
                                                if ($pos !== false) {
//print "$file<br>";
                                                        $file_name = ereg_replace 
                                                        $file_name = ereg_replace 
//print "* $file_name<br>";
//print "$file<br>";
$archive_list_gather[] = '<li><a href="/diaryarchives/'. $file.'">'.$file_name.'</a></li>';
                                foreach($archive_list_gather as $value) {
                                        $archive_list .= "$value";
                                // build archives box
                                $archives_box = '<div id="diary-archives">
<h3 class="side"><img src="/images/h3s_diaryarchives.gif" alt="Diary Archives" width="225" height="20" /></h3>
                                // publish archives box
                                $filename = PATHA.'/diaryarchivesbox.php';
                                publishpages($archives_box, $filename);

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