On Mon, 2008-07-14 at 21:09 +0100, Alex Chamberlain wrote:
> [quote]
> I don't quite understand your problem, but I use integers for any monetary
> workings as you can guarantee it is accurate (obviously, you work in pence
> or cents rather than GBP or USD).
> Alex
> Hello Alex,
> I was reading through this thread, and I was curious about what methods you
> use to handle fractions of a dollar and/or fractions of a penny if you are
> always using integers.  Do you only use a decimal for printing?  do you
> adjust all interest rates, etc...then as well?  How about when interest
> calculations result in fractions of pennies, how do you handle it then? 
> Basically, I can't see how it could be done with just integers alone?  
> thanks
> dank
> [/quote]
> To be honest, I haven't used it for any complicated use - shopping carts are
> additive contraptions. However, I don't see the problem.
> 1) I use Smarty a lot - I use a plugin to format the integer to a price (ie
> divide by 100 and display in 2 decimal places). So yes, I only put the
> decimal place there to print.
> 2) Why do interest rates need to be changed?? Take £123.45 @ 5%. 123.45 *
> 1.05 = (12345 [pennies] / 100) [pounds] * 1.05 = (12345 * 1.05) / 100
>    Same calculation in my mind!! (Tell me if I have missed the point!!)
> 3) If you have a fraction of a penny - round it!! Surely, that's what the
> banks do!! It's a penny!!

Nope, banks can't round like that when calculating your daily
interest :)

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