On 7/24/08, Stut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> That's not just bad, it's downright anti-productive. You need to either have
> a standard style across a team or accept that other developers format their
> code differently. If you spend time reformatting other peoples code it's a
> waste of your time. Differently (not that I didn't say badly) formatted code
> does not make it wrong, it's just different and if you can't live with that
> then you need to work on getting your preferred format adopted as the
> standard for the team.

We've shown the team and new people join all the time. They bring
their own styles, use crap editors which leave extra linefeeds,
spaces, etc. all over. It's fine, as I am reviewing their code anyway,
it helps me think clearer, and since I have to support fixing the bugs
later on, I can go back to it and read it quicker as well.

Now if I was just cleaning it up and never seeing it again, yes, it
would be a waste of time. But everything usually falls on my plate
when nobody else can figure it out.

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