
I'm using some php-classes which worked fine with php-5.0.4. Now I tried to upgrade to php-5.2.6, but the classes give a lot of errors. If I set


I see messages like

Notice: Undefined property: FastTemplate::$main in /whereever/inc.template.php on line 293

Notice: Undefined property: current_session::$cust_id in /whereever/inc.init.php on line 117

In inc.template.php there are a lot of calls like $this->$key. In inc.init.php there are calls like $session->cust_id.

What has changed in php-5.2.x so that these calls don't work any more? What is the new, required form to use objects in a similar manner (unfortunately I have no ressources to code these classes from scratch)? Thanks.

Kind regards

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