On Wed, 6 Aug 2008 16:42:23 -0400, "Benjamin Darwin" wrote:

>I'm wondering if anybody knows of a version control software program that
>may fit my needs.
>Basically, I'm looking for something that runs locally, not on the live
>site, that I can edit the files on the dev computer, and store old versions
>on the dev computer, and then just publish off of the local onto the live
>site whenever I need to. [...]

A couple of very easy-to-use ones are Subversion and CVS. Both are very
easy to use from a shell / command line, and both have nice GUIs
available for both Windows and *nix. Many editors and IDEs will work
with CVS directly, and some with Subversion.

I chose Subversion because I was trying to move SWMBO off Windows onto
Linux, and the GUIs for Subversion were similar enough and simple enough
on both (TortoiseSVN on Windows, RapidSVN on Linux). Subversion has some
nice options for setting up network servers if you need to go down that
path too (although you probably would get by nicely using local file

Under Windows, TortoiseSVN comes with a pretty good diff / merge tool
built-in. Under Linux, you'll want to grab Meld. 

If you're doing website development by yourself with no self-built
common code libraries (or frameworks!) then you probably won't even need
to worry about stuff like branching. If you have set up some common code
libraries, then it's a good idea to look at branching so that you can
support older sites on older versions of the libraries whilst further
developing them for newer sites.


Of course, a good IT professional would probably tell you to use git,
with its 132-odd shell commands... ;)
Ross McKay, Toronto, NSW Australia
"And don't forget ladies and gentlemen
 you have to buy this new thing that you don't have
 and if you have it
 well actually
 the new better version of the thing that you have
 well it just came out" - Jackson Jackson

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