On Aug 13, 2008, at 4:06 PM, Boyd, Todd M. wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Shawn McKenzie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 3:31 PM
To: php-general@lists.php.net
Subject: [PHP] Re: regex

Philip Thompson wrote:
Figured it out. Just needed to stretch my brain a lil.

On Aug 13, 2008, at 3:07 PM, Philip Thompson wrote:

function blegh ($subject) {
// I know this pattern doesn't exactly work
$pattern = '/(.*).php\?action=([^&].*)/';

$pattern = '/(.*).php\?action=([^&]+)+/';

preg_match ($pattern, $subject, $matches);
return $matches;

blegh ('somePage.php?action=doSomething&id=');

Ok, the important parts that I need to obtain from this are:


How can you modify the pattern above to grab the action
Sorry, my regex is a lil rusty!

Thanks in advance,


That regex might not always work for you, (&amp;) comes to mind.  You
might want to look at parse_str() which you can use after parse_url()

I think /(.*)\.php\?action=([^&]+(?(&)[^&+]+))/ might be a step in the
right direction for RegExing the additional URL query string parameters. I haven't tested it... but either way, I thought it was worth mentioning that the ".php" part should be "\.php" (or "[.]php"), otherwise it will
match "any character followed by php."

Todd Boyd
Web Programmer

Good call! I so passed over that one. ;)


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