On Fri, August 15, 2008 10:52 am, Stut wrote:
> On 15 Aug 2008, at 16:37, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> I'm logging things with error_log, and would like to be able to sort
>> out one script run from another.
>> So I'm looking for some kind of "script id" or "thread id" or "PHP
>> script run execution ID" type of function.
>> getmypid() just returns the same apache child process ID all the
>> time, so that's not what I want.
>> zend_thread_id() looks useful, but I suspect it's not quite what I'm
>> looking for.  But I'd have to re-compile with ZTS and --debug-mode
>> and I don't think the function I'm looking for should require
>> that...
>> Perhaps I've just missed the right function name?
>> Or perhaps this should be a "Feature Request"?
> Don't think there is such a thing, but you could generate one by
> combining the pid, timestamp and the script filename, maybe into an
> md5 hash value or similar. Thinking about it, "ip.pid" would be
> enough, i.e.

The IP and pid will not actually change...

It's just me surfing to my own app (or one I inherited) on my own

Apache isn't getting nearly exercised enough to need a second child,
so the pid is the same all the time...

Guess I'll have to create one as Eric Butera suggested...

Seems kind of odd that there isn't some kind of
script/thread/M_INIT/R_INIT id hanging around and exposed that
developers could use.

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