At 11:32 PM +0200 8/19/08, Jochem Maas wrote:
@Stut: good points about freelancing, it's also worth noting that a freelancer
charging 'top dollar' will probably not end up costing anymore than someone
charging half as much because they generally get the job done in half the time and, as Stut pointed out, they're liable to deliver stuff that you can rely on rather
than have to pray it works.


Seriously, after I told one client that I charge $50 per hour, told me that he never paid more than $25 and would I work for that? I replied "Yes, but it will take me twice as long to get anything done."

Strangely, I wasn't hired.

Too bad that it's considered bad-form to discus what rates we should charge, for I certainly would be interested to see the range.




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