I am trying to get the text between nested html tags within arrays produced by preg_match_all. The simple situation would be:


I want to return 'test'.

Assuming $post_results has some string derived from a html page source with lots of nested tags.

Replacing new line (seems to be a good idea to do this):
$post_results = ereg_replace("[\n\r]", " ", $post_results);

I tried this:
$pattern = "/<[^>]*>(.+)<\/[^>]*>/i";

Explanation (as far as I understand, please feel free to correct):
/.../ start end
< - opening html tag
[^>] end tag
* any number of same
 end tag - don't understand why needed in addition to above
(.+) group: any number of any characters
< opening tag
\/ literal forward slash
[^>] end with tag end
* any number of same
 end tag - don't know why needed again
i - modifier, can't remember what it means, something like case insensitive, yes, that would be it

//Main expression for first try, substituting tags:

//this only replaces the outer tag eg <tr>, not the <td>, so:
while(stristr($outputs[0][1],"<")) {

Is there a neat expression to get the inner text withing nested html tags?



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