On Aug 25, 2008, at 7:54 AM, Christoph Boget wrote:

Curious. Which do you prefer and why?
For publicly-declared variables, do you access the attribute directly or
use an accessor?
If it's a public member variable there is no need for plain accessor methods - they add no value. I feel the same about private variables with plain get and set accessors, there's just no point unless the accessors are doing more
than setting and getting the internal variable.

Personally, I always use the accessor methods.

For the most part I agree with Stut -- they don't add much value.
Where it does add value, though, is in the eventuality you ever need
to change the attribute to a more restrictive visibility.  If you ever
run across this need (and I have a couple of times), the only thing
affected is the class; you don't have to worry about changing all of
your code using that class.  Conceptually, it is my preference to keep
a class as much of a black box as possible and accessor methods allow
for that.


1 - Attributes
1 - Accessors

Do continue... Hehehe =P


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