David Park wrote:
Hi All,

I currently run a phpBB site using phpBB v. 2.0.22 and PHP4.  We'd like to
install either APC or eaccelerator to speed up the site's performance.  I'm
not sure whether we should choose APC or eaccelerator since I'm a newbie to
PHP caching.

Which do you think is better - APC or eacclerator?  Here are some criteria
that I'd like to use in evaluating APC vs. eacclerator: 1) compatibility, 2)
stability and 3) speed.

Some older posts on the net (from 2006) complained about incompatibilities
between APC/eacclerator and phpBB and about crashes of APC/eacclerator.  I'm
hoping that these problems have been cleared up by now.

I'm a pretty happy APC user right now.

Amoung other things, I do run a not-overly-busy phpBB site under it and I've not had any complaints.

For me APC was just a drop in task and while I did keep a careful look out for any issues, it was all rather painless. I went for APC due to the fact that there were some interesting Summer of Code projects proposed that should allow for even more interesting stuff in the future :)

Also APC has an extension that you can turn on that gets the status of file uploads, so if you operate a site where users can upload large files, this is a nice feature for interactive displays.



Colin Guthrie

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