(is Joomla a kind of wysiwyg editor? Does CMS mean content management system? ..like blog software?) I leave the commentary about CMS Systems/Joomla -vs.- hand-coding to the experts here who have had way more experience with both than I have... What I can offer may be considered OT or just plain obvious/assumed, but for what it's worth:

c.haensel :

How you look on paper, or even what leads to the most lucrative position for you in this competitive market... neither are anywhere near as important as doing what your desire/intuition tell you. If you want to LEARN something, then go there. What you put your attention on, grows. What do you want to grow?

personally, I like to go for the deepest thing that is still *fun* for me and then once I know where the power is, only then I feel free to let more superficial tools do the work when that suits the job better... I sleep better when I know what the bots are actually doing for me ;-)

(at the moment I am still re-familiarizing myself with BBedit ;-)

new job. And, most important to me, it _feels_ much better to have it done
from scratch all by yourself, doesn't it?

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