Stut wrote:

> On 2 Sep 2008, at 12:34, Per Jessen wrote:
>> Richard Heyes wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Looks like Google chrome is being released today (or soon). IE,
>>> Firefox, Opera, Safari and now Chrome, hmmm, can anyone say "browser
>>> war"?
>> Can anyone say "even more money & effort wasted on testing
>> webpages" .... :-(
> Webkit-based, so no need to add any more testing than you do now.

I can't help thinking that sounds just like when MS is telling us they
are compatible.  But it _is_ good that they're using Webkit, I'm just
not sure if it really means no extra testing effort.  FF3 wasn't and
isn't compatible with FF2. 

/Per Jessen, Zürich

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