On Sat, 2008-09-06 at 14:02 -0400, Larry Brown wrote:
> OK.  So I broke down and re-created my mail server due to its age.  I
> am
> now running the latest sendmail and it is still failing.  The message
> in
> the sendmail log is 
> "...<remoteMachineIP>] did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during
> connection to MTA"
> A little research is leading me to believe the client (php client
> script) opened the socket but didn't send anything.  Now the
> certificate
> that I'm using for the server is a self signed certificate.  Evolution
> asked if I wanted to accept the certificate when I first connected and
> I
> did.  After which it worked fine.  Is there a setting I must enable to
> accept unknown certificates when a site is first connected to?
> Any other ideas?

Sounds like an email client issue and most likely may differ for each
and every one of them.

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