Greetings, Jochem Maas.
In reply to Your message dated Sunday, September 7, 2008, 20:56:37,

>> I've been working on some PEAR-based app last week and I ran into problem.
>> While I debugging app, my backtrace always trimmed at some point.
>> First time I though it was my mistake, and switched back to standard
>> "Exception" class.
>> But nothing changed.
>> If I print everything by hands, it's all full and good, but if I let PHP 
>> print

> what do you mean by:

> 1. print by hand

Catch excetion and manually call getTraceAsString.

> 2. let PHP print

Do not catch exception, let PHP behave on it's own way.

>> exception message, it getting trimmed at 1015 characters, rendering backtrace
>> almost useless.
>> Say, only my own code producing 4-5 lines, PEAR stuff adding about 8, plus
>> converting PEAR_Error to Exception at least 2 lines. All-in-all, up to 15
>> lines so far, and backtrace trimmed at 6'th or 7'th line.
>> Is there any way to affect this behaviour without recompiling PHP?

Sincerely Yours, ANR Daemon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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