Ross McKay wrote:
Jochem Maas wrote:

how do you handle licensing/activation in these VMs?
I have parallels on my Mac and a 'proper' bootcamp install of WinXP
which I need for work ... and I'm not about to screw with that install
for the sake of testing another POS version of IE.

You need a license for each instance of XP that you run. AFAIK, you only
need one license to multi-boot XP on a single computer (but you should
check that!) so I don't see why it would be any different for multiple
images run singly in a VM.

I somehow doubt it, but that would be nice. I certainly wouldn't have any moral qualms about it, but not sure if MS lawyers would see it lat way. That said, if you use a VM system that support snapshots, then you can have a faily convenient sacrificial install that you can play with this kind of thing. That said, it's still not useful. [Edit: I see you wrote pretty much the same thing at the end of your mail ;)]

NB: I'm talking XP here; I vaguely recall something about the Vista EULA
(spit!) specifically excluding installation in a non-MS VM, so you'd
need to check with your lawyers on that one... :/

I think I remember reading that they relaxed their VM licensing stance... Having never installed Vista and having no intention of touching it with a 10ft barge pole, I can't say I care!


Colin Guthrie

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