Hey everyone,

Okay, so the first time I typed this out it got rejected for being off topic... so here is my attempt to make it on topic....


$day="Sept 11 2008";
echo <<<HTML

Sorry for the off topic post... But I just wanted to say that if there is anyone on this list that either was in military service, or is currently serving, thank you.... It is because of YOUR efforts that I can sit here and write this e-mail in the freedom of my home.

And if anyone is near where I live in Michigan that has served, I'd be honored to buy you a beer... (It may take awhile to get through to everyone, since I'm not rich though.. hehehe)

So again, Thank you!

echo "Thank you in so many ways I can't express!";
}elseif($serviceperson[1] =="beer"){
echo "Free beer for anyone in the service that is near me!";


Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
11287 James St
Holland, MI 49424

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