On Fri, 2008-09-12 at 14:24 -0400, tedd wrote:
> At 7:08 AM -0400 9/11/08, Jason Pruim wrote:
> >Hey everyone,
> >
> >Okay, so the first time I typed this out it got rejected for being 
> >off topic... so here is my attempt to make it on topic....
> >
> ><?PHP
> >
> >$day="Sept 11 2008";
> >While($day=date("NOW")){
> >echo <<<HTML
> >
> >Sorry for the off topic post... But I just wanted to say that if 
> >there is anyone on this list that either was in military service, or 
> >is currently serving, thank you.... It is because of YOUR efforts 
> >that I can sit here and write this e-mail in the freedom of my home.
> >
> >And if anyone is near where I live in Michigan that has served, I'd 
> >be honored to buy you a beer... (It may take awhile to get through 
> >to everyone, since I'm not rich though.. hehehe)
> >
> >So again, Thank you!
> >HTML;
> >}
> >
> >if(isset($serviceperson)){
> >echo "Thank you in so many ways I can't express!";
> >}elseif($serviceperson[1] =="beer"){
> >echo "Free beer for anyone in the service that is near me!";
> >}
> >
> >
> >?>
> I don't drink beer -- send money.  :-)

No, no, no... send me Tedd's beer!

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