o ic
check the IP to prevent .

But I have another Q .
I see from www.php.net , people said they will generate a Session ID by
$unique_str = md5(rand(0,9999999));
why not to generate by ourself ?
PHP will create itself .

Will Session have problem when people browse from a http page to a https
page and go out again?


""Christopher Ostmo"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 撰寫於郵件
> Bass??? pressed the little lettered thingies in this order...
> > I have a Q.
> > will the Session ID be stolen by hacker when the ID tranfer bewteen
> > and server ? Then can the hacker send the ID to server and veiw the
> > page ?
> >
> Yes.  That *can* happen to any non-encrypted transmission that
> passes over an untrusted network.  It would be difficult to do, so it's
> unlikely, but it *can* happen. It would require a packet sniffer on your
> network, on the target network or somewhere between.
> If you want to prevent this, you should match session ID with requesting
> IP addresss, log both into a database and check both for each page
> request.
> If the data being accessed is *that* important that a hacker would go
> through that much trouble to hijack a session, you probably should
> consider using SSL.
> Christopher Ostmo
> AppIdeas.com
> Meeting cutting edge dynamic
> web site needs
> For a good time,
> http://www.AppIdeas.com/
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