Am 2008-09-08 11:17:16, schrieb Dan Joseph:
> Check out osCommerce (, its open source, written in php, uses
> mysql, and you should be able to hook into it pretty easily like you want.

I have installed osCommerce and it is crap.

Since there is NO mailinglist and I can not access the crappy  forums  I
can not submit a singel bugreport o one of the arround 160 bug I found.

osCommerce is 100% based  on  HTML  tables   which  are  the  last  crap
specialy for handicaped peoples.  osCommerce double my  works,  since  I
need a ledger and then have to copy all stuff into osCommerce.

Design can not be changed (colors, look and feel) since it is HTML table
fixed.  Also the boxes left and in the  middle  have  broken  "headings"
(Titles) which I have tried to solv, but since  the  sourcecode  is  not
realy clear it is hopeless to do something with it.

Also it does not fit the need for european law in sales...  since if you
sale for the netto price, you must indicate to each  product  the  Sales
Tax in % for the country, where the OnlineStore is located.

If I sell a product, e.g, Debian CD's I can set a  flavour,  speak,  the
customer select "Debian CD" and then later in the schoping cart,  he/she
can choose which architecture for example.  So I have added  +3Euro  for
rarely used architecture because I have  downloaded  the  CD/DVD  images
from the Debian Servers and stock them on my fileserver which COST money
but now, I can not add a note, to inform the users WHY  it  cost  3 Euro
more and thats not all, I like to see those  +3Euro  as  seperated  item
with an explanation.

Also if customers want to donate to Debian/SPI and such, I like to see a
donate item and for the previosly thing, I like to see, that for example
the additional fee of +3Euro is donate to the Debian Project/SPI...

And there are more things....

If I setup an Item and it is running out of stock, I like  to  give  the
customers the possibilitiy to reserve an item if I receive a new stock.

User should made partial payments for such case.

However, I can hack down arround 200 kByte of  text  here  about  laking
features but it is easier, if I take the idea of osCommerce and code  my
own OnlineStore.

Oh yes, before I forget it, osCommerce is fixed to use  mySQL  which  is
crap.  Good software should never relay on a singel database.  My Ledger
and OnlineStore will definitive havve  support  for  PostgreSQL  and  if
someone has better knowledge about mySQL as  me,  he/she  can  take  the
template with the skeleton  of  the  functions  and  fill  it  with  the
appropriated mySQL command/Functions or even Microsoft SQL or Oracle  if
you feel happier with it.

Note:  A test installation is  on  <>
       and will be removed in some days since I can not see it anymore.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
    Michelle Konzack
    24V Electronic Engineer
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####################
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
+49/177/9351947    50, rue de Soultz         MSN LinuxMichi
+33/6/61925193     67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

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