>   Its pretty straight forward, you create a query that extracts the name
>> and id of the records with a relevant where clause created on the fly. When
>> outputing the data, each record gets created as a link that then loads
>> another page/div with the total dataset for that record. The question for
>> you is how you want the interface for the search to work. You can provide a
>> dropdown with some choices (date, zip, etc) and a text input / date input
>> picker to allow the user to enter the data. This then gets submitted and
>> runs the query

Correct, right now each record is displayed on the screen as a link.  When
the link is clicked a query runs to pull all of the related data and
displays it as a subset of items under the main link.

The problem is, since I am not pulling all of the detail when I run the
initial query, what would be the best way to find the search results when
they will most liely be contained in the data I did not initially pull.

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