You are using the old school PHP CGI as if it were PHP CLI.

Upgrade and use PHP CLI.

Or just add -q to the args:
12 6 * * * php -q /home/foo/temp.php

php -h
will show you the version and nature (CLI/CGI) of PHP you are running, as well 
as the args and what they do, in rather terse format.
Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2008 4:21 AM
To: PHP General list
Subject: [PHP] PHP + Cron jobs

This is something that I've noticed for awhile, but last post to this
mailing list reminded me that someone probably already knows how to work
around this!  I have a cron job that looks something like

12 6 * * * php /home/foo/temp.php

But even if temp.php doesn't output anything, I still get emails from the
crontab that consist of

"Content-type: text/html"

I assume this is happening because it's interpreting as a web page or some
such.  Is there a better way to set the crontab so I don't get that output?



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