I think what you're looking at is one of a myriad of available ISAPI
plug-ins; essentially, an IIS add-on that mimics the functionality of
mod_rewrite to some degree.

I found one that claims to work on IIS 5.0-7.0 *and* appears to be FREE.
 Problem is, you won't be able to simply copy over any existing .htaccess
files:    http://www.codeplex.com/IIRF

Another interesting find was one that advertises 100% compatibility between
it and Apache .htaccess files.  It, however, costs a few bucks:


I haven't used either one of these myself, so I can't provide you with
anything more concrete... Hope this helps!

On Sat, Oct 11, 2008 at 2:02 PM, Crash Dummy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > That wasn't what I was asking. I meant is there an equivalent to
> > mod-rewrite for IIS?
> No. At least nothing simple and free. Run a Google search for
> "mod_rewrite iis" and you will see what I mean.
> --
> Crash
> Committed to the search for intraterrestrial intelligence.
> --
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