On Tue, 2008-10-14 at 14:54 -0700, Ryan S wrote:
> Hey,
> this the first time I am actually working with "tags" but it seems quite 
> popular and am adding it on a clients requests.
> By tags I mean something like wordpress' implementation of it, for example 
> when an author writes an article on babies the tags might be
> baby,babies, new borns, cribs, nappies
> or a picture of a baby can have the tags 
> baby,babies, new born, cute kid, nappies
> the tags are comma separated above of course.
> The way i am doing it right now is i have sayyyy an article or a pic saved in 
> the db as 
> article_or_pic_address text
> the_tags varchar(240)
> My question is, when someone clicks on any one of the tags, do i do a  LIKE 
> %search_term% search or...???
> quite a few sites seem to have a very neat way of implementing this with (url 
> rewriting?) something like http://sitename/blog/tags/tag-comes-here/
> Any help in the form of advise, code or links would be appreciated.
> TIA.
> Cheers!
> Ryan
> ------
> - The faulty interface lies between the chair and the keyboard.
> - Creativity is great, but plagiarism is faster!
> - Smile, everyone loves a moron. :-)
I think your question has two parts there.

With regards to searching in the database, I'd do a LIKE '%search_term

As for getting those search terms, well a link in a page can contain GET
values, such as http://www.somedomain.com/blog?tag=search_term .
Alternatively, you could use mod-rewrite to rewrite the URL and turn the
path into tag variables. This is the same as the above but with the
added benefit that users can type in tags directly more easily, and
there are apparently benefits for SEO with this method as well (but I'm
not sure how true that is)


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