On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 2:02 PM, Nathan Rixham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Jay Moore wrote:
>> Greetings list!
>> Say I want to copy a jpg from a remote server onto mine, using PHP. Right
>> now, my script opens a socket to the remote server, and opens the image
>> file.  It copies its contents into a dummy variable, opens a new file on my
>> server, and dumps the contents of the dummy variable into the new file.
>> For reasons I cannot figure out, it is not working the way I want. Rather
>> than display the image, I get an nothing when opening it in an image viewer.
>> [snip]
>> Code follows:
>> [/snip]
>> ---------
>> I have trimmed the code some, and omitted the part where I remove the HTTP
>> headers and other information I do not need.
>> Why isn't this working for me?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Jay
I have used cURL for something similar to grab an audio file from a remote
server. That may be an option as well


Cat, the other other white meat

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