>The difference between the examples are still nothing, it do the same.
>But I never use the short version of if, because when I look after some month 
>in some projects I have a better overview when there is a long if , its much 
>easier to extend.

As explained a couple of times already - there is not supposed to be a
It's about security and making code maintainance easier.

[quote to Chris's former post]
(..) imagine you're manually reviewing a colleague's code, and you're
looking through a few thousand lines to try to help identify security
problems. (..)
[end quote]

It's the old "What's good code and what's bad code?" discussion.
In this case ternary operations are bad code.

>sorry for my bad english
Die Code tun nicht Unterschiede in Execution. Es ist Sicherheits Frage.
sorry for my bad German

//A yeti

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