After getting apache 2 + 4.0.6 built and installed, I can finally use PHP
and all is well..except...
When accessing a script which uses an exec() statment like the following:

exec("ls -d */*.jpg",$ls);

When the LS is performed, it is not performed in the directory where the PHP
resides, but rather in /tmp. What's going on here. Also, I have the
following errors:

Warning: Failed opening '' for inclusion
(include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /tmp/really_silly on line 3
Warning: Failed opening '' for inclusion
(include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /tmp/really_silly on line 26

The includes are relative to the path that the PHP script is in. It should
just work, but instead it does what you see above. I didn't see this
behaviour with Apache 1.3.x but it could be my Output/Input Filter
definitions too. Any feedback is appreciated.

Austin Gonyou
Systems Architect, CCNA
Coremetrics, Inc.
Phone: 512-796-9023

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