On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 11:44:50AM -0700, Brian Dunning wrote:
> I've got a script that downloads files queued from a server, and it's  
> launched by a Windows Scheduled Task that launches every minute. My  
> understanding of the default behavior is that if the task is still  
> running a minute later when it's time to launch again, a duplicate  
> thread will not be launched.
> The remote server administrator wants me to launch multiple threads all 
> day - in my mind the wrong choice, since multiple download threads slow 
> everyone one, but that's what he wants.
> Anyone know if there's a way to make Windows Scheduled Task launch a new 
> thread of the PHP script, regardless of whether it's already running?

Your assumption is semi-correct, mostly because of your choice of language. If 
you would have asked about launvhing another download process, then you would 
be wrong.

A new _process_ *is* spawned by the Windows Scheduled Task launcher.

Here's a proof.


 start c:\php\php.exe test.php
 start c:\php\php.exe test.php


 print "slept 20 seconds";

Double click on test.bat, you should see 'slept 20 seconds' printed

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