On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 8:57 PM, VamVan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> SSO process:
> $_POST the Email Address and password
> Get Authenticated, Get the COOKIE ( Through Oracle IDM suite SOAP call)
> Decrypt the COOKIE ( Through Oracle Enterprise business suite SOAP call)
> and get the profile Info
> Thats what happens now.
> But there is a glitch in the decryption algorithm we currently have. And
> when we decrypt + or some thing else comes with funny characters and does
> not authenticate.
> So I need to restrict them for now. When the algorithm gets corrected then
> I
> will use standard RFC.
Are they not base64 encoded? I have had issues in decrypting elements that
were not base64 encoded as some characters would end up mimicing EOL or
otherwise dropping data



Cat, the other other white meat

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