On Tue, 2008-11-04 at 08:04 -0600, Adam Williams wrote:
> I have a file that looks like:
> 1. Some Text here
> 2. Another Line of Text
> 3. Yet another line of text
> 340. All the way to number 340
> And I want to remove the Number, period, and blank space at the begining 
> of each line.  How can I accomplish this?
> Opening the file to modify it is easy, I'm just lost at how to remove 
> the text.:
> <?php
> $filename = "results.txt";
> $fp = fopen($filename, "r") or die ("Couldn't open $filename");
> if ($fp)
> {
> while (!feof($fp))
>         {
>         $thedata = fgets($fp);
>         //Do something to remove the "1. "
>         //print the modified line and \n 
>         }
> fclose($fp);
> }
> ?>
I'd go with a regular expression any day for something like this.
Something like:

"/$[0-9]{1,3}\.\ .*^/g"

should do what you need. Note the space before the last period.


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