On Tue, 04 Nov 2008 11:37:15 +0000, Richard Heyes wrote:

>> The question here is: why a PHP script called via 'wget --spider'
>> through Apache/2 gets killed as soon as the HTTP reply code is sent,
>> even if ignore_user_abort() is set?
> A script ending naturally is not the same as a user aborting.

I agree, but why is the script ending? Does PHP is set to stop running as 
soon as it knows the size of the reply, required by an HEAD request? How 
can I override this?

(by "script" I mean the PHP script. Your previous post forks PHP and runs 
a system command without exiting it when the script exits ("nohup" should 
be used instead of the output redirection), I understood that but it is 
not what I need; I need the PHP script to keep running until the end)

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