At 1:29 AM +1030 11/17/08, Michael Kubler wrote:
Well, it shows up for FFox v2 and v3 on Windows XP as well.
I managed to replicate it by shift+refreshing the page.

I also managed to stop it mid load by setting Firefox to 'Work Offline' just as it displayed the flash of both boxes.

Using the Web Developer plugin for FFox I can tell you that the top box has a class of '.gsmsc-mapDiv' while the bottom div one is '.gsmsc-idleMapDiv', and both are wrapped in the '.gsmsc-appContainer' div, and also the '#mapsearch' div.

I've not played with google maps enough, but doubt the above helps, I just but know that it's not a PHP issue. It's almost like a flash of unstyled content <>, but is being generated because of the javascript.

I hid the '.gsmsc-mapDiv' which stopped the flash of both box boxes appearing, and I could view the map, but caused the map to disappear after I tried searching for a different Google Maps location.

Michael Kubler
*G*rey *P*hoenix *P*roductions <>


Thanks very much for your time looking into this.

It IS very similar of FOUC and I looked into that as a possible problem/solution.

I think you can see why I didn't get a reply from my Google post -- it's one of those problems that Google has, but doesn't yet understand it well enough to fix it. Too busy with new stuff *.

I may have to hide the map via css and then change display after load -- I just didn't want to go that route IF there was a better way.

Thanks again,


PS: * I really like Google's Analytics, but hate all the javascript errors it generates in FF firebug.


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