Hej Jochem,

> this kind of thing belongs on php-general (and lets keep it on list
> please), if you have a serious proposal/rfc and/or one develops from a 
> discussion
> there then likely some of the old-hats will likely recommend escalating to
> internal.

I'm sorry I wasn't aware of this "procedure". I will start discussions
on general@ from now on.

>> But the question remains. Are there reasons to have a Fatal error here?
> yes, it tells you your doing something impossible.

Well yes, but this does not mean it has to terminate. It could skip it

>> For comparison: Python throws an exception in a comparable case,
>> allowing me to handle the error.
> PHP != Python. python is pure OO. php is hybrid. you have to refactor your
> code in different ways.

Python is, just as PHP, a multi-paradigm language. Both support
procedural, OOP and even functional programming styles.

> what this comes down to is this, python gives you exceptions free of
> charge, php asks you to implement and throw them yourself ...

You are right. This seems to be, what it comes down too. I can't say
that I am happy with it. And I think being able to handle fatal errors,
whenever possible would be a very useful feature.

What about E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR, couldn't calling a method on a
non-object trigger E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR, instead of E_ERROR?

Best regards


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