On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 10:39 AM, Terion Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been trying to catch on to php on the fly, I started with Cold fusion
> years ago then did asp for a long time, for some reason php gives me
> problems, it doesn't at all seem intuitive to me or even logical for that
> matter....guess I'm just used to the easy stuff.
> when I use the var_dump as suggested I get:
> *Parse error*: syntax error, unexpected '<' in *
> C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\WorkOrderSystem\WorkOrder.php* on line *136*

Even ASP (VBScript) has the IsArray() function (I'm pretty sure ASP
using JavaScript supports instanceof) as a way of verifying that a
variable actually contains what you expect it to contain before you
use it. ColdFusion? ugh! DISCLAIMER: My only experience with it is
supporting one of the (worst written) commercial apps that we host. My
impression was that it was more of a templating language for
Dreamweaver/Java than what I am used to.

Back on topic, your latest error is a syntax error and isn't directly
related to the problem you've been talking about. I was going to
suggest something, but it looks like Yeti beat me to it while I was


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