Shouting is something that happens when people are actually speaking and
listening.  In a medium where there is no other way to emphasize salient
points in a message, capitalization is all that works.  I'm sorry it
offended your sensabilities.

realpath() fails, just like file_exists() fails, to report the file as

echo "realpath(\$basePicture) returns '" . realpath($basePicture) .
echo "when \$basePicture is '" . $basePicture . "'<br>\n";
realpath($basePicture) returns '/ west
coast trip/2008-06-10 first week at Chris'/DSC_0011.jpg'
when $basePicture is '../pictures/2008 west coast trip/2008-06-10 first week
at Chris'/DSC_0011.jpg'
but ls DSC_0011.* in ../pictures/2008 west coast trip/2008-06-10 first week
at Chris' returns only
try {$image = new IMagick($basePicture);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Caught exception: ',  $e->getMessage(), "\n";
results in
Caught exception: unable to open image `/
west coast trip/2008-06-10 first week at Chris'/DSC_0011.jpg': No such file
or directory
so ... the following takes care of the extension problem in a very time
expensive way
 $image = new IMagick($basePicture);
catch (Exception $e)
 $basePicture =
  substr($basePicture, 0, strrpos($basePicture, ".")) .
  "." .
  strtoupper(substr($basePicture, strrpos($basePicture, ".") + 1));
I don't actually consider this solved and I'll return to it after everything
else at least works.

Now I can proceed to my next problem.

Thanks to all,

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