On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 9:45 AM, Dan Shirah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >
> > Can't seem to connect with MSSQL_CONNECT. The function IS available. I'm
> > in a Windows environment, connecting to a SQL 2000 instance. My code:
> >
> > mssql_connect('INTRA_SQL,1433', 'uname', 'password');
> > mssql_select_db('database');
> >
> > I've tried leaving the port out, tried using server IP address, all to
> > no avail. I've copied the "ntwdblib.dll" from my SQL 2000 box to my PHP
> > directory on the web server - no go. (this was suggested on the php
> > site).
> >
> > mssql.secure_connection = off (in the php.ini file)
> > extension=php_mssql.dll (is also included in the ini file)
> >
> > Keep getting error message: Unable to connect to server
> >
> > Does anyone have any ideas?
> >
> > Thanks!
> > Dave
> Dave,
> For my connection I didn't copy the ntwdblib.dll file from the SQL Server
> and paste it onto the PHP server...I believe there was an older version of
> the ntwdblib.dll that I had to download...the file had a modification date
> of I think 11/2003.
> Things to check.
> extension=php_mssql.dll uncommented in your PHP.ini
> See if your PHP server can talk to your SQL Server.  I would assume they
> are
> both inside the DMZ and that your DNS resolves the server names, correct?
> When making your connection try doing it like this:
> //Assign the server connection to a variable
> $connect = mssql_connect('SERVERNAME, 'USERNAME', 'PASSWORD');
> //Select your database and reference the connection
> mssql_select_db('DATABASE', $connection);
Have you created a mssql account to allow connetion from whereever you are
coming from?



Cat, the other other white meat

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