
I am importing a node into a new document so that I can perform an XSL transformation on just that node. This works sometimes, however, I've come into the following problem, where the namespaceURI is there on the node but doesn't make it through the importNode() to the next document.

Can you tell me what might be the cause of loosing the namespace on importing the node? Bearing in mind that the childnode itself (being the result of an xsl transformation) was previously imported into the document as a replacement for it's original node.

I'm using PHP 5 DOM and XSL extensions.



# ...$childNode exists previous to this point

echo "\n --- source node --- \n";

echo $this->srcDocument->saveXML($childNode);

# importing childnode into a new doc

$newDoc = new DOMDocument();
$newRoot = $newDoc->importNode($childNode, true);

echo "\n --- import of source node --- \n";

echo $newDoc->saveXML($newRoot);

# will be using newDoc for an XSL transformation and replacing childNode
# with the new doc,
# (which is what was previously done successfully with child node)


 --- source node ---
<pre:name/>string(15) "xtc:website.com"

 --- import of source node ---

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