On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 1:42 PM, Dan Osipov <dosi...@phillyburbs.com> wrote:

> Everything matches. The only thing that's different is that the server
> that's having the problem has been running the script every 15 mins for the
> past 2 months - which leads me to believe there might be a memory leak
> somewhere...

if the script isnt long running, *theorectically* speaking once php shuts
down, all php allocated memory should get freed up, unless theres a bigger
mem leak issue w/ php itself.

Although complete recompiling should reset something, right?

well if you were running an older version of php, and you upgraded to 5.2.8,
then theres a chance a mem leak bug could be fixed by it.  but only if they
actually patched that problem.  id be surprised to see a memory leak persist
after a php script has run to completion.

I found this:
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=502996
> But the patch didn't work. The library is required by php5-imap (which is a
> standalone package).

hmm, so the extension wouldnt compile w/ the patch, or after building w/ the
patch the problem persists?

are you by chance running anything like xdebug on the server.  that (and
similar extensions) keep a lot of things in memory during script execution
that php normally cleans up.  once i had a cli script which would eat up all
of the memory on the box.  even unset() calls wouldnt stop the madness.
then i realized i had xdebug running, disabled it, and bam, all was good

also, do you have any idea, the duration of the script execution.


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