I have the latest version of FUDforum setup and am trying to create a
hack that'll allow users who authenticate through our groups kerberos
authentication gateway to automatically be logged in. The source code
is as follows:

//Here we grab the authenticated user's name
//and either automatically log them in using an existing account
//or register them


global $_SERVER;
$realname = $_SERVER['WEBAUTH_LDAP_GIVENNAME'] . ' '
$email = $user . '@blah.com';

if(external_fud_login(fud_fetch_user($user)['id']))!=NULL) //User ID
is valid and logged in
        echo("Welcome, " . $user . ", please wait while you are logged in...");
        header( 'Location: https://blah.com/~jmusbach/FUDforum2/' ) ;
else //User ID is invalid, register and log in
        echo("Welcome, " . $user . ", please wait while you are registered
and logged in...");
          header('Location: https://blah.com/~jmusbach/FUDforum2/');


Unfortunately no errors are returned and the output is completely
blank, any ideas as to where I've gone wrong (e.g. obvious syntax
errors)? I'm new to PHP so I've probably done something with the
syntax that you're not supposed to do in PHP. I would gladly ask this
question in the FUDforum support forums but despite it being many days
since I've registered the administrator still has yet to manually
activate my account so hopefully I can get some help here. :)

P.S. In case it helps you can see the source code to the API files I
referenced here:

fudapi.inc.php: http://pastebin.com/m349a4bff
forum_login.php: http://pastebin.com/m176b28b3

Best Regards,

John Musbach

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