Nathan Nobbe wrote:
> good point dan, and just to add further clarification, thats b/c the
> function specifies $return_var is passed by reference in the formal
> parameter.  when you include the & along w/ an actual parameter (during
> function invocation) thats referred to as call-time-pass-by-reference in
> php, and its typically frowned upon.  in fact, i think its being removed
> from a future version of php.
> -nathan
You don't call system using the ampersand.  The reference is declared in
the function definition.  There's no reason for this to be frowned
upon.   What you are referring to is the old PHP4 style of explicit
pass-by-reference in function usage which is frowned upon.

Thank you,
Micah Gersten
onShore Networks
Internal Developer

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