In reading the license I believe it refers to the gnupg itself, not the application it may be embedded in. You are completely free to use gnupg as you choose including modifying it to meet your needs.


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On Dec 30, 2008, at 10:50 PM, Edward Diener <> wrote:

My client application needs to send data to a PHP page in encrypted form and have the PHP code able to decrypt it. Likewise the PHP code needs to return data to my application encrypted and my client application needs
to be able to decrypt it.

My application is written in C++ and naturally the PHP page is written
in PHP.

I do understand that public key-private key cryptography is the way to
go. So far my Internet search has turrned up GnuPG as a means of doing
public key-private key cryptography for PHP with libraries for C++ also. However the client application is a commercial application and unless I
misunderstand the GNU General Public License the software of the
application which uses GnuPG must allow its source to be freely
available in order to use the library. This is of course something which
I am completely unwilling to do for the commercial application.

Is there any other public key-private key cryptography solution on the
PHP side which also has a C++ library which I can use for the client
application, which does not adhere to the GNU General Public License ?
This does not have to be a free product.

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