Am 2009-01-04 09:23:46, schrieb Ashley Sheridan:
> On Sat, 2009-01-03 at 23:41 -0800, mike wrote:
> > I actually use $_SERVER['HTTP_CONTENT_RANGE'] in my setup (nginx +
> > php-fpm) - I don't think I get an 'HTTP_RANGE' ...

> I'm still a little confused on this though. How would a browser send
> this to notify of a download that was only partially completed before?

Lets try it:

----[ STDIN ]-----------------------------------------------------------
[michelle.konz...@tp570:/tmp] wget -S 
           => `'
Auflösen des Hostnamen »«....
Verbindungsaufbau zu[]:80... verbunden.
HTTP Anforderung gesendet, warte auf Antwort...
 1 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 2 Date: Sun, 04 Jan 2009 14:11:51 GMT
 3 Server: Apache
 4 Last-Modified: Thu, 01 Jan 2009 00:23:18 GMT
 5 ETag: "63fbad-ba6b4-45f60d4c4a980"
 6 Accept-Ranges: bytes
 7 Content-Length: 763572
 8 Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=100
 9 Connection: Keep-Alive
10 Content-Type: text/plain

72% [=========================>           ] 551,021        7.38K/s    ETA 00:28

[michelle.konz...@tp570:/tmp] wget -S -c 
           => `'
Auflösen des Hostnamen »«....
Verbindungsaufbau zu[]:80... verbunden.
HTTP Anforderung gesendet, warte auf Antwort...
 1 HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content
 2 Date: Sun, 04 Jan 2009 14:13:14 GMT
 3 Server: Apache
 4 Last-Modified: Thu, 01 Jan 2009 00:23:18 GMT
 5 ETag: "63fbad-ba6b4-45f60d4c4a980"
 6 Accept-Ranges: bytes
 7 Content-Length: 211183
 8 Content-Range: bytes 552389-763571/763572
 9 Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=100
10 Connection: Keep-Alive
11 Content-Type: text/plain

100%[++++++++++++++++++++++++++==========>] 763,572        7.48K/s    ETA 00:00

15:09:45 (7.29 KB/s) - »« gespeichert [763572/763572]

OK, this mean, the name of the HTTP headers are


which tell the server HOW MANY Bytes I wan to get and


which tell the server where to START and to END, but I do not understand
WHY the range is ONE BYTE less then the TOTAL LENGTH.

Does someone know more about it?

Hey *, if my function pushBinary() is properly supporting this  kind  of
stuff, it solve a very big problem on my website  and  my  customers  of

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
    Michelle Konzack
    24V Electronic Engineer
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####################
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Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
+49/177/9351947    50, rue de Soultz         MSN LinuxMichi
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