Anders Norrbring wrote:
>> On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 14:14, Anders Norrbring <>
>> wrote:
>>> *bump*
>>     Please don't "bump" threads, Anders.  This is not a traditional
>> web-based user forum.  You've provided no additional data, so there is
>> no need to bring this thread up again.  If you want to get more
>> attention to it, you will need to send a reply to the list with
>> updated information.  The last response in this thread was from Nathan
>> Rixham.  If you didn't receive that message, you can find it in the
>> archives, or I'll be glad to forward it to you.  If it didn't solve
>> your problem, you can say so and folks here will be happy to help you
>> further.
> I provided some additional data at 2009-01-01 09:33.. (That would be GMT+1
> hour)
> But after that.. I didn't get *anything* at all, not from Nathan, not from
> anybody else.
> And I'm fully aware of the distinctions between a mailing list and a web
> based forum. After all, I've been in this business (computers and
> communications) since 1979 (Yeah, I'm that old...). But I didn't get any
> replies whatsoever, neither in private nor in the list, therefore I felt an
> urge to do something to draw some attention to this matter.
> And yes Daniel, I'm fully aware that my specific question isn't a PHP
> general issue, but a PEAR related issue, more specific it's related to
> PEAR:HTTP_Request, nevertheless I firmly believe it's of common interest.
> If you don't share my view, I'll be happy to be flamed in private, not on
> list.

Oh, you may not be happy, but you may well be flamed on list :-)

> Best regards, and wishes for a happy 2009,
> Anders.


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