I guess its these examples that remind us that we still need to look out
for ourselves. I got used to the idea that theres so little chance that
I'd be a target, as a linux user, I've become less aware of these things.

Daniel Brown wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 04:53, Robert Cummings <rob...@interjinn.com> wrote:
>> In fact, since the only text in the message other than the stripped
>> attachment is "Please read the document." I am led to strongly suspect
>> that it was a virus. Additionally, the addition of a supposed anti-virus
>> check is usually added to such virus attachment emails to help the
>> unwashed fool think it's not a virus *lol*.
>     Correct.  It's the old Netsky worm - it's got to be at least three
> or four years old by now, I'd guess.  I'm honestly somewhat amazed
> that folks still fall for it and infect themselves, and that those are
> the same folks that would subscribe to a technical list.
>     Neat.
>     (Yeah, I'm looking at you, `bigredlinux`.... who obviously is
> using BlueScreenWindows....)

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