Gary wrote:
> the error log is riddled with messages like this
> PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\\Program 
> Files\\PHP\\ext\\php_mysql.dll' - The specified procedure could not be 
> found.\r\n in Unknown on line 0
> The php_mysl.dll is located at C:\Program Files\PHP\ext\php.ini
> Not sure if the extra \ is a product of the error log or the cause of the 
> issue...
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks for all your help.
> Gary
> "Nathan Rixham" <> wrote in message 
>> Gary wrote:
>>> Nathan
>>> Thanks for all your help, but it is not working.  The files were/are 
>>> named I replace them.
>>> I did the advanced install, choosing only those extensions I wanted, 
>>> including mywsql and mysqli
>>> I have already reinstalled the php5.2.8
>>> Again, thanks, but Im getting frustrated at spending all day on this...
>> ko - you'll find the exact answer to you're problems in you're apache 
>> error log - it'll tell you exactly what wasn't loaded and why.
>> also verify that the location of you're php.ini stated in the phpinfo 
>> output is actually where you're php.ini is stored. 
Try moving C:\Program Files\PHP\libmysql.dll to c:\Windows


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