On Fri, 2009-01-09 at 09:25 -0800, Brian Dunning wrote:
> Same thing, no output at all. I can access the image directly in my  
> browser and it's fine.
> On Jan 9, 2009, at 7:52 AM, Zechim wrote:
> > try,
> >
> >   header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
> >   $image   = imagecreatefromjpeg($your_file);
> >   imagejpeg($image,"", 100);
> >   imagedestroy($image);
> >
> > zechim
Are you sure it's a valid Jpeg that GD can understand? It may be a
Jpeg2000, which GD can't yet handle, as it allows for CMYK images and
lossless compression.


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