On Sun, Jan 11, 2009 at 8:50 AM, tedd <tedd.sperl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> At 11:12 AM +1100 1/11/09, Ross McKay wrote:
>> With a little cooperation from the client, and a properly configured
>> TinyMCE, you can fairly easily limit what HTML tags they use.
> Yes, when you have intelligent and cooperative clients -- have any to spare?
>>  You can
>> then provide a set of CSS classes for specific styles used within the
>> site, and tell TinyMCE about those classes so that the user can make use
>> of them (via the Styles drop-down).
> That's a good idea -- I like that.

In my FCKEditor installs I use the style.xml to define h1, h2, h3, h4
as headers so in the markup the client only gets to inject header tags
& p tags.

Unfortunately I have the same problems of pasting from Word/Apple apps
too.  Yes, that's right.  Copy something from Mail.app and it is
filled with apple span style crap.  The paste from word routine only
works if they click a special button and make sure to paste into that,
which of course nobody does.

I tried using tidy to clean up some of that stuff but it was giving me
even more problems.  I enjoyed having valid docs with all the crap
ripped out, but I use my editor blocks on lots of different parts of
the site, so having it remove/combine style tags was really annoying.
I'd really like to revisit this problem again, but unfortunately I've
got other more pressing issues so this always seems to fall to the
back burner.

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